2005年に絵を(再び)描こうとしたとき、なにか描きたいものがあったわけではない。絵ならなんでもよかったともいえるが、さすがに富士山やバラの花を描こうとは思わなかった。とりあえず、かねてより強く惹かれていたフェルメール の画中画を描くことから始めた。

When I tried to draw "again" in 2005, there was nothing I wanted to draw. Anything  would have been fine, but I never thought to draw Mt. Fuji or flowers. For the time being, I started to draw a picture-within-a-picture of Vermeer, whom I strongly attracted for some time.
The picture-within-a-picture is like a play within a play. It is a double-structured picture in which paintings are nested. Often seen in 17th-century Dutch and Flemish paintings, specially Vermeer's picture-within-a-picture show an unrivaled degree of perfection. Ordinary painters tend to paint a portrait on the wall as a picture-within-a-picture straight as a "portrait", but Vermeer paint as a "portrait painted in a picture". In the same way that if a photograph is taken twice, the latter quality would drop slightly, Vermeer intentionally lowers the image quality of the painting within the painting. The difference is slight, but the difference in awareness is big.
Copying only the picture-within-a-picture is nothing more than "painting a 'painting'" rather than simply paintting a picture. Lookin back now, this may the reason why I avoid drawing straight pictures of such Mt. Fuji or anything else, and it may have been a manifestation of intention to be conscious of "painting." So when I was asked "What kind of pictures do you draw?",I used to answered"I draw 'pictures'". But he does't get quotation mark, and he asks again, "So what kind of pictures do you draw?" .Enjoying such conversations while being frustrated was also my own "coolness".
Picture in Picture(Lady Standing at a Virginal by Vermeer)
Picture in Picture(The Guiter Player by Vermeer)
Picture in Picture(Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window by Vermeer)
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